Approach - Vision - Philosophy

Beyond the professional skills, being a Coach is part of my personality, it’s a state of mind, a way of being and also a journey.
Each human being is unique. Each life experience is unique. That’s why what I believe is the strength and the originality of my way of coaching is to follow a different approach for everyone: classical, ludic, creative ...
This enables an opened relationship facilitating the change and enabling the self-fulfillment. I am often inspired by the extraordinary richness of my clients. Their internal strength does not need much to become visible.

Our thoughts have an incidence on our behavior, and our actions.
Optimism is to me the engine of initiative. Then aiming at a target slightly beyond what you want to achieve, being persistent, and designing an operational action plan: these are the next steps.
I love to highlight in color the shadowed parts of life. I tend to think that some people or events are there to induce positive changes in our lives.
I usually make a difference between a justified renouncement (accepting an event in full knowledge), and a renouncement by default, that brings people to limit themselves, by not providing their ambitions with the corresponding means, and not daring to reach their dream, their mission.
A Coach can help you become conscious of what is at stake in your life and see the glass half full instead of half empty. Alone, it is easier not to see the obvious, not to walk down the whole path, or even find oneself on the wrong one.
Together : it will provide you the strength to move further, on the right path, to its end!

Being present to oneself, being the author of one own's life. It is our responsibility to contribute to our own well-being, to become the best of ourselves so it can be spread around.
We are so much more than our feelings, our thoughts. Being is beyond feelings and thoughts: it is an art of being present to our inner self, that will help you find the true meaning of your life, the true meaning of your being. Being present to very simple things is the beginning of happiness.
Learning flexibility, taking a step backwards, appreciating life at all times … And dare, once more and experiment, get richer, and bolder: see Life through its colors!
« It is not because things are dicult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things become dicult » Sénèque
« listen to the forest growing, instead of the tree falling » Friedrich Hegel
« Growing is not getting richer of something new, but discovering what is already inside you » Alexandre Jollien
« Being able to listen is an art » Epictète
We are all the gardeners of our own happiness
Nothing is more important than being yourself
Every human being is in the making of oneself all along the way